Feasibility Study – Electric Propulsion Upgrade
The Department of Defence, commissioned Maritime Survey Australia (MSA) to conduct a feasibility study concerning the potential transition to electric propulsion for a vessel within its fleet.
Service Level Agreements
The benefits of a SLA gives you a set survey fee every year, based on the certification requirements over a five year period. MSA will complete the inspection and set up reminders and alerts working with you to ensure on going compliance.
Safety Management System Review & Redesign – Terrafirma Offshore Pty Ltd
We worked diligently with the stakeholders to ensure a usable system was both simple and specific. With this approach and methodology, the company can ensure the correct information is being communicated to the right personnel, be it shore based technical staff or the oiler on the ship.
Waterway Management Audit Case Study
MSA conducted a review of plans, risk assessments and notices to mariners to verify compliance with Victorian Marine Safety Act, the IALA and Transport Safety Victoria.
Tender Specification and Evaluation Case Study
Our turnkey service offers an affordable way of fulfilling your needs. We support you throughout the procurement process to help you produce the best outcome.
Superyacht Initial Survey Case Study
The complete process for the Mohasuwei, from initial condition survey to the issue of a temporary operations meant she could operate for the Sydney Summer season as a commercial vessel.
Out Of Water Hull Inspection – Sydney Heritage Fleet Vessel Waratah Case Study
MSA applied the applicable standards and developed a plate monitoring and replacement program acceptable by the National Regulator which allowed the vessel to continue operation.
Insurance and Valuation Survey Case Study
These surveys provide the owner of the vessel with a report detailing the regulatory compliance of the vessel, current condition and an independent current market valuation.
Annual Periodic Vessel Survey – Reel Time Fishing Charters Case Study
Maritime Survey Australia urges our clients to follow the lead of premier operations such as Reel Time Fishing to consider broader implications and regulatory risk to their businesses.